Friday, September 2, 2011

Epsom salts for constipation

!±8± Epsom salts for constipation

Constipation is a problem of digestion and Epsom salts to bring temporary relief. You can drink and increases the flow of water into the colon. But the side effects are numerous and dangerous. Magnesium sulphate is the salt up to 35 grams and contains the recommended amount of this chemical is only 300-400 mg per day per person. Further taking the same chemical substance results in death and 5 to 7 seven people died in the period 1841-1909. The infant mortality were alsoreported due to hypermagnesemia.

Epsom salts are widely used by people in magnesium and toxic substances that cause death. If you already have the stomach pain, nausea or vomiting and do not feel this use of salt. In particular, those women who are pregnant should not ever with this chemical because it can affect the baby. Medications can also have negative effects, and this salt is dangerous for the baby. These drugs are tetracycline, minocycline penicclamine, consulting etc. digoixinwith your doctor is recommended before consuming the same.

Your digestive system may be subjected to any problem. You can think of an alternative medication, this salt before serving. Improve your diet with more raw vegetables, fruits, as well as flax seeds, rice and cereals. The water supply must spend more on training than 8 glasses a day and 20 to 30 minutes. Physical activities like walking, climbing stairs is enough to keep your intestines in good shape.

Laxativegeneral, are harmful to the digestive system make it slow and chemical employees. Do not go for this if block. Damage diarrhea, flatulence and intestinal are other harmful effects. You can put a colon cleanse with Oxy-Powder for better treatment. Not penetrate, and remove the bacteria, giving the benefit to the gut. Liquefies and removes waste, both the intestine and bowel. Besides it also helps relieve constipation with a healthyDigestive system.

Oxy-Powder is also watery stools, the only effect of oxidation and should not be confused with diarrhea, which is a viral infection. You should see the first effects, and there will be an obligation to use the bathroom frequently. They would also end up with more gas. Oxy-Powder does not harm the good bacteria, and cleanses the body from the feces of an effective and safe.

After all, has never learned anything, Epsom saltfor constipation or indigestion. You can reach your doctor or take an alternative medical treatment to improve your bowel without harmful side effects.

Epsom salts for constipation

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